Accidents at workplace while working on a machine is a quite common now a days. Some accidents do not cause any loss to humans but some accidents can be fatal. While PPE (Personal Productive Equipment) are quite popular in the industry, they are hardly used and it has been found that they were not being used at the time of the incident. Most surprising fact is that these accidents can also happen with best of the skilled manpower and such a situation can’t be avoided completely as it depends on many tangible and in-tangible factors.
There is a need hence, to make the machines safe inherently by carrying out a detailed and exhaustive risk assessment by experts and implementing the recommendations under strict supervision of qualified experts to ensure compliance to the standards. This ensures that machines are safe under any condition and throughout the life cycle of its usage. Macsafe India with its vast experience and expertise in the field, provides complete solution to make any Machine safe. This finally means less shutdowns, more productivity and better outputs in terms of production.